Equip has begun
October 19, 2014
Greetings from sunny Orlando, FL! I have arrived without incident at the Wycliffe USA headquarters for Equip, a two-week period of training that is designed to, well, "equip" new members for their future service. (The creativity of the people who get to come up with names for these things never ceases to amaze me.)
There are 47 of us attending. And, lest you think that Bible translation can only be done by young people who have linguistic training, allow me to demonstrate otherwise. The attendees range in age from recent college graduates, to families with young (and not-so-young) children, to people nearing retirement. Amongst our number can be found linguists, of course, but also an accountant, a journalist, computer programmers (:D), teachers, pilots, mechanics, managers, a police officer, a museum director, and a few more occupations that I'm sure I've forgotten. God calls his people from all walks of life to spread His word. Neat!
Today's sessions primarily consisted of each member telling the story, in three minutes, of how God called them to serve with Wycliffe. Unsurprisingly, our stories were as varied as our backgrounds. It was quite amazing to hear all the different ways that these people have seen God's hand at work leading them here.
Also, here's some pictures of a Building, some Birds, and a Beard.
First post!
August 28, 2014
Truth be told, writing the code to power a blog is more fun than writing the actual contents of the blog. So I wrote this, in case I end up wanting to use it.