July 16, 2015

If you had told me 6 years ago that in 2015, I would be talking with individuals and getting up in front of large and small groups to share about Bible translation and inviting them to join me as partners in the ministry, I would have looked at you funny (ok, I often do that anyway) and told you that you were nuts.
If you had told me the same thing 5 years ago, after my summer trip to Mozambique, I would have been super excited that it was actually going to happen someday!
If you had told me the same thing 1 year ago, I would have been terrified. And, in fact, I was. How am I supposed to present to people? What do I say? What if they have questions I can't answer?
If you had told me the same thing 9 months ago after the excellent two-week Equip course, I still would have been quite nervous, but confident for the first time that I could do it. If this was what God had for me to do, He would provide the confidence and enthusiasm I needed. And he did!
If you told me the same thing today (go on, I'll wait), I would tell you that God was indeed with me. He has helped me do what seemed impossible just a year ago, which has greatly strengthened my faith in God's loving care and provision for us when we follow his leading, even if it involves stepping far outside our comfort zone. And, I must admit, it's actually been much more fun than my introverted self expected it to be to share with everyone I've talked to about the work that God is doing through Wycliffe all over the world.
So, onward! Less than 2 months till PNG!